
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Cor 9:7

As you consider your giving, check out our Good Giving Guide

  • Regular Giving for Ministry

    St James encourages all its members in regular, generous and cheerful giving. This supports the day-to-day, week-to-week ministry activity of our church, including activities, events, Special Religious Education, resources, staffing, property, and initiatives that support the sharing of the good news within and from the Parish.

    BSB: 032 089 | Account: 250 028

  • MTS Fund.

    The Ministry Training Scholarship Fund is a tax-deductible fund that supports ministry staff studying at theological college and Trainees considering vocational ministry.

    BSB: 032 089 | Account: 273 449

  • SNC Giving

    Our Sunday Night Church is growing and changing. Each of its members plays a part in building the gathering so that we can welcome even more people into our church family. As we partner together in this work, one of the ways in which we contribute is through regular, generous, and cheerful giving. If you count yourself a member of the congregation, and you have an income, why not set in place your giving through the details provided. See the Good Giving Guide for further details about how to think about financial partnership.

    BSB: 032 089 | Account: 235 709